Metis Malley

Prelude / Bio

Metis Malley, born on July 12, 1999. She is not currently employed and have already lived in San Jose for about four years. is her favorite website.

January 31, 2019


Q: How does the web impact graphic design?

A: In general, some impacts web has on design is 1. helps showcase your work 2. it reaches out to more people — getting more clients. Also, because of the constant flow of information online, (people have a shorter attention span) so your design has to be unique and stand out from the crowd.

Q: How has your view of the internet / how you experience being online changed over time?

A: My view of the internet has not really changed since I don't remember a time before I could get on the web. My experience, however, has. When I was a kid I would mainly just use the internet for games like Club Penguin but I had a set amount of time I could be online. As I got older that time restriction came off. Plus, the limitation of where I could browse. Basically, the only real experience change that made an impact on me what the amount of time I would be online.

Q: How is art making online different then art making offline?

A: If this question is referring to digital art tools then the difference would be tools. The certain way paint looks on paper than online and different marks. Also, if the sketches for the work is online then the end product could be very different than if the sketched on paper. (Mainly because thoughts can flow faster on paper and it is more freeing; the tool can "make the work" online). If it is about putting artwork up and selling, then the difference would be the reach. Rather than standing at a stall in the street hoping to get recognized, the web would be more efficient.

References / Some Things

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